Christmas fundraiser for Zambia at primary school in Vrsi
Every year, the true meaning of Christmas is reflected in the miracle of love. You cannot rejoice in Christmas selfishly, Christmas simply does not let you do that, because it develops and nourishes our desire to help others and make them happy. The true spirit of Christmas was seen and experienced this year at “Petar Zoranić” primary school in Nin and Vrsi, near Zadar. The students, their parents and teachers showcased their creativity by organizing a small Christmas Fair after the school Christmas pageant. By selling Christmas decorations and greeting cards they made themselves, they raised HRK 1,000.00 for construction of the students’ residence in Nawinda, in the poorest Zambian region.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my dear young friends, on behalf of poor children from far-away Zambia, your peers. The most beautiful Christmas gift we can give is to collect funds that will be distributed to those in need. You are our future and the hope for a better and just world.