The second house of our student residence in Nawinda is almost completed. It will house 50 female high school students. The entire residence will house 100 high school students.
This task has taken a lot of perseverance, effort, toll, energy, will, and love… Nawinda is a town and a Catholic mission in Zambia’s Western Province, the country’s poorest and least developed region. We want to provide education for children from distant and poor villages. „Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.“ (N. Mandela). Because of harsh poverty, these children would not be able to go to high school without our help. With 100 euros we cover all yearly school expenses for one high school student.
Boys’ house, together with dining room and accompanied objects, was completed and opened in 2021, (
Thank you to all people with kind and noble heart who are following and supporting the work of the Foundation „Heart for Zambia“. We want to educate and provide a peaceful and happy childhood for the children living in the poorest part of Zambia.